Allied Entertainment Inc.



Allied Entertainment

Fallen Angels


Starring: Michael Ironside ("The Perfect Storm", "Starship Troopers", "Total Recall", "Mindstorm"), Kai Wiesinger ("Dracula", "Murder on the Orient Express", "Terror in the Mall", "Hunger"), Jeff Fahey ("The Lawnmower Man", "Darkman III", "White Hunter Black Heart", "Epicenter"), Esme Eliot

Director: Ian David Diaz
Producer: Michael Derbas & Julian Boote
Writer: Julian Boote & Ian David Diaz

Every secret . has its price.

Abandoned and filled with a mysterious past, Holy Angel School for Girls is about to reveal its secrets of betrayal, jealousy and vengeance. Rumours of haunting, paired with the desire to forget the painful tragedies that took place five years before, have kept the truth of Holy Angel's last days buried with the innocent victims.

A documentary crew headed by an aggressive Hollywood agent descends upon the school to boost the faltering fortunes of her client who is one of four survivors of the disastrous fire. Hoping to capitalize on the tragedy, the agent plans to unlock the secrets left behind in the scattered ashes.